A Case Study on Distance Learning Challenges and Opportunities Facing Learners' of virtual University of Pakistan Karachi Chapter
challenges and opportunities facing learners'Abstract
The Virtual University of Pakistan (VUP) is used as an example in this research to evaluate the potential and difficulties of remote education. The research investigates the critical elements impacting the efficacy of remote education programmes by using a case study approach to the special setting of VUP. Some of the difficulties VUP encounters include students, faculty teaching, assessment, and evaluation. In this study, these difficulties are noted and examined. The paper also emphasises the innovation and opportunities that distance education offers, such as flexible learning pathways, collaborative learning, the incorporation of emerging technologies, access to high-quality education in remote areas, and opportunities for lifelong learners to advance their careers. The experiences and practises at VUP are examined using primary data and literature, and suggestions are made for resolving problems and maximising the advantages of distant learning. Important components of remote education policy and practise include collaborative efforts, learning-centered methodologies, and the use of cutting-edge technology. The results of this research will be useful to educational institutions and policymakers in order to improve the quality and accessibility of remote education programmes. A particular context is necessary to understand the benefits and difficulties of distant learning.
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