Academics’ Experiences of Implementing E-learning during COVID-19 in a Public University of Balochistan
Academics, E-learning, Higher Education Institution, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of TechnologyAbstract
The purpose of this research was to investigate academics' experiences using e-learning to assist teaching and learning at a public institution. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology served as the study's guiding theoretical framework (UTAUT). Six academic staff members who had been specifically chosen for the research and one IT expert from a Pakistani higher education institution were used in its qualitative design. The information needed to provide answers to the research questions was gathered through a semi-structured interview. Thematic content analysis was used to analyze the data. The analysis produced the following themes: readiness toward e-learning, health and safety of users, e-learning system reliability, feedback mechanism, implementation of Changes through models, credibility of e-learning tools,geo-cultural attributes, training and effectiveness and authrities’ intervention According to the results, regular updates and training on the new modifications should be provided to the university's e-learning platforms. It was also advised that academics get prompt technical help in order to maintain pleasant user experiences with e-learning.
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