A Study of Pakistani Students’ Perceptions of Emotional Intelligence at the University Level
Students’ Perceptions of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence, perceptions, Self- regulation, Self-awareness, Motivation, Empathy, Social SkillsAbstract
Emotional intelligence is getting popular in western society and is considered to be more important than general IQ to get later employment and success in life. However, our school system still focuses only on inculcating the skills related to high IQ or high scores. The study aimed to examine Pakistani university students' views towards emotional intelligence and find the differences in their perceptions of emotional intelligence based on their demographic variables. A survey was conducted to collect the related information. It was quantitative research. A 5-point Likert scale was developed to collect data from students belonging to different universities in Karachi. A sample of 214 students was selected on a random basis from different disciplines and programs. Data frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze data. The result showed no significant difference in emotional intelligence scores based on age, degree program, or harassment or bullying experience. However, a significant difference in empathy was found based on the gender of respondents. Further, the results showed students' awareness regarding emotional intelligence and its significance for future success and believed that emotionally intelligent individuals easily adjust to any new situation.
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