Role Of Technology During the Pandemic in District Panjgur Balochistan
Pandemic, technology, learning, COVID-19Abstract
To help slow the spread of COVID-19, many different safety measures have been put into place all over the world. In most places, this has meant that schools for younger children are closed, people are not allowed to visit public places like parks, and everyone is encouraged to keep a safe distance from others when they are in public. The present study has been organized in a way to achieve the objective of investigating the challenges faced by Head Teachers during the pandemic in Panjgur, Balochistan. The researcher has entered into exploratory research through the mechanism of a qualitative design through semi-structured interviews. The results are depicted in the form of highlighting a number of issues that face technological devices, and their usage. The study will be of much use to improving virtual communication between groups, teachers must be well-equipped and educated for online learning especially in to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
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