The Use And Effect Of Smartphones In Students’ Learning Activities: A Case Study Of Punjab Daanish Higher Secondary School Dera Ghazi Khan
The current century is considered the century of modern era which changed the lives of the people. The modern era developed new ways and means for the people who are linked with this world. The smart phone is one of the greatest inventions of the world which revolutionized the lives also. The use of smart phone in education also played vital role in this field which enhanced the skills of learners as well as their abilities to find and explore new ways to meet the need of the hour. The aim of this study was to enhance the skills of learners by using smart phone in their learning to explore the material in new ways and means. The researcher used questionnaire to collect the data from respondents who were 118 in number and worked with the researcher in this process of filling the questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to use new technology in institutions and among learners to know the new innovation in their practical lives to gain the skills and abilities. The implications of this study were to note the important features of learning through the use of smart phone which learners accepted it by using different tactics to implement practically. The findings of this study proved that the use of smart phone played key role in the lives of learners who got advantage from this technology and improved their faculties to use in practical sense to find new ways and means in their relevant fields. The study also proved some negative effects of using smart phone on the basis of interruption of electricity, phone calls and non-availability of Wi-Fi during teaching learning process. The analysis of data was also completed with the help of SPSS. This study recommended that it will be helpful for learners to spike the use of smart phone in the learning process of students to enhance their skills and to find new resources in the field of education as well as their relevant subjects.
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