WEEE Resource Recovery and Role of Informal Sector: Prospects of Circular Economy in Pakistan
Prospects of Circular Economy in Pakistan
Circular Economy, Resource Recovery, WEEE Materials Recovery, WEEE management, Informal WEEE recycling in Pakistan, Policy DirectionsAbstract
Circular Economy through recovering resources from Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) can play vital role in uplifting the socio–economic condition in developing countries. Global estimate shows that the worth of precious materials present in WEEE products are more than 55 billion euros. Average WEEE imported to Pakistan is 37746.92 tons/per/year and it is expected to increase in future. Estimates shows more than 9 billion dollars are involved in WEEE economic activity in Pakistan. In Pakistan, major activities for WEEE materials extraction used in circular economy are performed in informal sector. The size of the informal sector is highest among the developing economic countries; 62% of the businesses are operating in the informal economy. “Quantative” research approach was adopted for this research work. The research estimated the resources present in WEEE materials used for circular economy. The paper sketch comprehensive view on socio- economic conditions of the working class in informal sector. The research routes on the Management barriers of informal sector and suggests actions to overcomes these challenges. Presently, Pakistan do not have policies regarding Circular Economy. Based on data, the paper discusses prospects of Circular Economy through WEEE resource recovery to gain the concept of sustainability
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