Exploring The Perceptions Of Teachers About Growth Mindset And Fixed Mindset And Impact On Students Learning
fixed mindset, growth mindset, students learningAbstract
It's a big challenge for the teachers to recognize the abilities of the students in the classroom and basically this recognition means a lot both to students as well as teachers. The current study is about the perceptions of teachers about the mindsets of students whether they have growth mindsets and fixed mindset. The objectives of the study were to explore the perceptions of teachers about the concepts of growth mindset and fixed mindset at higher secondary level. 10 teachers who were serving at a higher secondary level were taken as samples. Semi structured interview was used for data collection and purposive sampling technique was used. Data analysis done through thematic analysis. Data analysis revealed that the teachers were not well aware about the terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset”. However, on the basis of class participation and results, they are well aware about the abilities of the students, they often used similar teaching strategies to foster the growth mindset of the students. Findings regarding teacher’s feedback and praise on student’s learning revealed that most of the respondents provide students with verbal, written and oral feedback in the classroom.
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