Training Need Analysis of University Teachers for Creative Teaching
Creative teaching is an art (Craft, 2011). There is an increasing awareness of the importance of fostering creativity in higher education. The rationale of the study was to investigate the overall training needs of creative teaching among university teachers in AJ&K. To understand the perspectives of university teachers regarding the training needs for creative teaching interviews were taken from faculty members in one institution of higher education. There were 15 faculty members from whom information regarding training needs for creative teaching was collected. The findings of the study are based upon data analysis of interviews conducted with faculty members. Findings revealed that to make teaching more creative there is a need for the latest technologies, innovative teaching methodologies, and also the use of ICT in the classroom. The study concluded that there is a lack of training in higher education in AJ&K. Therefore there is a need of initiating training in AJ&K universities for achieving the fruitful results of teaching.
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