A Study of Supervision Management Styles and Supervisory Experiences of Doctoral Students
This research invested the preferred supervision management style of supervisors and its effect on the supervision experiences of doctoral students. A facet of supervision process which is abstract but equally significant for the success of supervisory relationship is the way supervisors manage research supervision process and support their supervisees in completing it. A Supervisor’s distinct management and support system plays a significant role in shaping the supervisory relationship and supervision experiences of supervisees throughout the research. We designed a cross sectional survey and purposively collected data from supervisors (n=44) and their supervisees (n=136) working in different stages of their research. Supervisors were given a self-developed situation based supervision management styles questionnaire. Supervisees were asked to respond on a six-point supervisor-supervisee relationship questionnaire. Inferential statistics were used to achieve the research hypotheses. A statistically significant (at α .05) difference (p= .000) was found for the support and management related experiences with their supervisors based on supervision management styles . Contractual style(CS) was found preferred supervision style among most of the supervisors during research supervision process. Research candidates may match their expectations and required supervision support while selecting supervisor.
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