Effect Of Using Lab Rotation Method (LRM) on the Academic Achievement Of Grade IX Students in the Subject of Physics


  • Tooba Saleem Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
  • Syed Azhar Abbas Naqvi Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad


Lab Rotation Method (LRM), Blended Learning (BL), Academic Achievement


The study was conducted to empirically verify the effect of using Lab Rotation Method on the academic achievement of the students, at Grade IX, in Physics. Lab Rotation Method is basically one of the sub-models of Blended Learning. We conducted a quantitative study on True- Experimental Design.  The Randomized Pre-test-Post-test Control Group Design was used. The research tools were Pre-test and Post-test, designed with Proper Tables of Specification (TOS). Validity and reliability of the tools were ensured. The population of the study was all the male students at Secondary level, in Public Sector Schools of District Chakwal, in Province of Punjab. We selected a sample of 40 students and matched them in pairs on the scores of Pre-test, followed by their random assignment, to Control and Experimental Groups. The intervention was the use of OERs, on educational Apps “Prep by PGC”, “Taleem Ghar” and “eLearn.Punjab”, through Lab Rotation Method.  Inferential Statistics were applied to achieve the objectives of the study. The findings of the study highlighted the positive effect of Lab Rotation Method on the academic achievement of the students, with better score then Traditional Method. On the basis of findings, it is suggested that Lab Rotation Method (LRM) may be used in all Public Schools, to use OERs, for teaching at Secondary Level, to cope with the challenges of shortage of Subject Specialist Staff, unavailability of Science Labs and to train the students to use such OERs at home for compensating the loss of study, in school closure days.


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How to Cite

Saleem, T. ., & Abbas Naqvi, S. A. (2024). Effect Of Using Lab Rotation Method (LRM) on the Academic Achievement Of Grade IX Students in the Subject of Physics. Journal of Education And Humanities Research (JEHR), University of Balochistan, Quetta, 17(1), 153–164. Retrieved from http://journal.uob.edu.pk/journal/index.php/jehr/article/view/478