Identification Of Challenges Faced By Schools In E-Management And Strategies To Overcome The Challenges
E-Management, Modes of E-Management , Group DiscussionAbstract
During Covid 19 for the first time in Pakistan the need had arisen for implementation of e-management essentially for the schools to mitigate the learning losses due to lockdown. For that purpose, technological solutions had to be implicated to resume the work and to keep teachers and learners on track. Different kinds of schools were able to handle the situation through different strategies and modes of e-management. The study was designed with sequential explanatory mixed method approach. Checklist was made to assess the availability of physical facilities. Interviews were conducted face to face, with working leaders include principals and administrators. Focus Group Discussions were held in the end of both data collection procedures and analyses of data in order to get the best remedial measures to eradicate the challenges in future. The results showed challenges of planning, directing, monitoring, resource handling, budgeting and the challenge of deficiency of resources for schools in terms of finances, human resource and trained staff. In specified area, the findings of the study showed lack of support and guidance from concerned/competent higher authorities, to school leaders who were striving to work for the successful execution of digital transformation of management in their schools. Schools solved the unexpected and novel problems through operational management but these experiences could guide further for strategic planning of e-management in this era.
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