The Impact of Infrastructural and Technological Resources on The Academic Achievement of Hostel’s Students at University Level in Quetta City.
hostel problems, academic achievement, infrastructure resources, technological resources.Abstract
This study investigated the impact of infrastructural and technological resources on the academic achievement of the students living in on-campus hostel in the three public sector universities 1; Sardaar Bahadur Khan Women University 2; University of Baluchistan 3; Baluchistan University of Information and Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences in Quetta city. Data for the study was collected through a self-constructed questionnaire survey from randomly selected 210 students of final year from BS, Masters, MS/M.Phil. living in hostels of these three universities both boys and girls. The IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were employed for the demographic of students and multiple regression was applied to identify the impact of infrastructural problems (library, bedrooms, bathroom, toilet, laundry furniture) and technological problems (internet connection, electricity, WIFI) on students’ academic achievement. The regression analysis showed the positive impact of independent variables (technological and infrastructural problems) on dependent variable (Academic achievement of students).
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