A Study On Exploring the Factors Affecting the Job Satisfaction of Female Teachers at Primary Level of Education in Nushki District of Baluchistan.
Factors, Job Satisfaction, Female Teachers, Primary Education, Nushki District.Abstract
Primary education is the basic education. It is the preparation for furfure education and without a teacher this preparation in formal and a great way is not possible. Thus, primary education needs more attention and the satisfaction of primary teachers is one of the significant elements of this. Therefore, this study focused on the job satisfaction of female primary teachers in Nushki district of Baluchistan. There are many factors that affecting the job satisfaction of female teachers at primary level but this study focuses on these three factors: financial benefit, social benefit and workplace environment. The study's population was drawn from all of Nushki City's government girl's schools. 210 teachers and 20 schools made up the sample, which was chosen using a straightforward random sampling method. Quantitative data was gathered using a self-made questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale. With the aid of SPSS, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and Pearson correlation were utilized to analyze quantitative data. The relationship between job satisfaction and its factors —financial benefits, social benefits, and work environment—was measured using correlation. The frequency and percentage were utilized to determine the teachers' level of satisfaction. The findings showed that the majority of the female primary teachers in the Nushki district were happy in their positions. They also showed that the workplace environment and financial benefits had an impact on their job satisfaction, while social benefits had no bearing at all.
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