Profiling the Factors affecting the Social Support and Academic Resilience of Undergraduate University Students
Informational Support, Esteem Support, Motivational Support, Venting Support.Abstract
This current research focused on the role of background factors which influence social support and academic resilience traits among university students. Social support mitigates the stressful academic situations for students and academic resilience ensure efficient completion of academic tasks despite of difficulties faced by them. The cross-sectional survey design was used to collect responses from participants on adapted scales of social support and academic resilience. The data were collected from university students (n=600). The reliability and validity of adapted scales were ensured. The findings of the study revealed that there was no significant difference among social support and academic resilience based on their gender, age, enrolled program, semester, job status and locale. However, a significant difference in informational support was found among students based on their discipline. The findings further identified that students from sciences received better informational support as compared to students from other disciplines. This infers that background factors influence students’ social support and academic resilience as several social and personal factors contribute to students’ motivation to complete their study program.
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