Academic Experiences and Well-being during COVID-19: A Comparative Study between the Students with and without Special Needs
students with special needs, well-being, academic status, COVID-19, psychological impact, elementary educationAbstract
COVID-19 affected not only students’ academic experiences but also their emotional, psychological, and mental growth and well-being. Although all the students were affected by it, those with disabilities were more vulnerable due to their special needs. Using the Well-being of Children in Lockdown (WCL) scale with 6 factors and 22 items, this study compared the well-being of the students with and without special needs in Pakistan. Data was collected from 606 elementary-level students belonging to special and regular schools. The findings showed that out of six factors, low scores were reported for two (physical activity, and playful and creative activities), average for three (feelings, addictions, and academic aspects), and high scores were reported for one factor (routine). It appears that both groups were hit harder emotionally and psychologically. When the two groups were compared, there were no statistically significant differences in academic aspects and routine; however, in other factors and overall well-being, there were statistically significant differences with the students with special needs being affected more by the pandemic. The study suggests providing extra support and care for students with special needs to help them overcome different kinds of stresses and vulnerabilities. Such measures will also help move towards a more socially-just and equal society.
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