Interpreters of employee performance: A mediating role of organizational commitment
The present study explores the factors that affect employee performance (EP) directly and indirectly through organizational commitment (OC). The study is conducted in Balochistan by taking the samples of employees of commercial banks. We employed a deductive approach to achieve such a purpose. The cross- sectional data are collected using a survey questionnaire. The overall reliability of the scale is found as 0.828, which is to be considered excellent. Using Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis, the results demonstrate a positive and significant effect of reward and recognition (RaR), motivation and job satisfaction (JS) on EP. Besides, the study finds a mediating effect of OC between RaR, motivation, JS and EP. The study would provide the guidelines to the top management of the banking sector to design effective policies that may create motivation and commitment among the employees. Besides, the policymakers should also concentrate on the provision of smart RaR to employees as they can also be encouraged to perform their assigned tasks with great responsibility. Lastly, the study would contribute to the literature on management.
KEYWORDS: Reward and recognition, Motivation, Job performance, Organizational commitment, Employee performance, Commercial banks
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