A Predictive Power of Core Self-Evaluation on Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Evidence from Health Practitioners
Keywords Core self-evaluation, Organizational commitment, Self-esteem, Self-efficacy, Locus of control, Emotional stabilityAbstract
In the present situation, developing commitment among employees is a need to enhance the organizations’ performance and profit. The present study examines the role of core self-evaluation (CSE) on organizational commitment (OC) among health practitioners or medical doctors of Sindh, Pakistan. The study is based on quantitative methods, which collected cross-sectional data through a questionnaire. The study applied a random sampling technique and successfully managed the response from 404 respondents, with a response rate of 43.6%. The study uses a structural equation model to confirm the hypothesized relationships through AMOS. The SEM results demonstrate a significant positive effect of self-esteem (SES) and self-efficacy (SE) on affective commitment (AF), continuous commitment (CC) and normative commitment (NC).Moreover, locus of control (LoC) significantly and positively effect on AC but not CC and NC. Finally, emotional stability (ES) has appeared as an effective and positive predictor of AC and insignificant of CC and NC. The study's findings would support developing commitment among the employees by improving SES, SE, LoC and ES. Besides, the results of the investigation would contribute to the literature.
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