Managing Basic Education for Safety and Security in Nigeria
Keywords: conducive learning environment, child abuse, supervision, basic education, Nigeria.Abstract
The main objective of this research was to determine the effect of managing basic education on safety and security. A total of 761 participants were proportionally selected in each States in North-west zone, Nigeria. The findings revealed that conducive learning environment, prevention of child abuse and supervision of learners’ activities enhance safety and security of public primary schools. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis were used to test the hypotheses. Therefore, it was recommended that school managers should endeavor to provide conducive learning environment so as to increases learners’ attention, promotes meaningful learning experiences. Also, school managers should strive to prevent child abuse so as to help lower a child’s risk of having learning, emotional and social issues in life, and promote the well-being of children. Furthermore, supervision of learners’ activities should be done frequently in order to provide a guide to learners’ development, help teacher to ensure effective classroom classroom management, create physical, social and psychological climate or environment as well as prevent the occurrence of problem behaviours towards effective safety and security.
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