Perceptions about Teaching Effectiveness and Learner’s Achievement in Online Oral Communication Classes
Perceptions, teaching effectiveness, student achievement, oral communication, online learningAbstract
The COVID-19 epidemic has spread throughout the world and has had a significant impact on education. As the global pandemic introduced new ways of imparting knowledge and broaden the scope of education from face-to-face to virtual settings due to social distancing. Hence, online learning has brought new teaching pedagogies and methodologies to integrate language skills in learners. Therefore, communication and English language skills teaching practices and student achievement in Pakistani context needs to be explored. Consequently, the present study aims to explore the perceptions of undergraduate students towards teaching effectiveness and learner’s achievement in online oral communication skills in classes. For this purpose, a qualitative case study has been undertaken and data has been collected using purposive homogenous sampling from 15 students enrolled in BS English oral communication course by using semi-structured interviews within a public sector university. The collected data has been coded and analyzed using Saldana’s model of thematic analysis. The findings suggest that although there are advantages and disadvantages virtual and traditional language teaching and acquisition of speaking skills. Yet, speaking skills can be effectively taught virtually through interactive lessons, activities and continuous assessment that promotes learning achievement for future. The present results are effective for language teachers, language centers, language learners and institutions for developing and designing effective online courses for learning different skills of English language.
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