School Toxic Leadership, Teachers’ Engagement, And Trust in Senior Secondary Schools Education District Vi of Lagos State, Nigeria
Toxic Leadership, Employee’ Engagement, Employee Trust, Toxic Leadership, Employees’ Engagement, Employee TrustAbstract
School leaders are of particular significance in that they impact on teachers’ engagement and trust, and consequently the existence and survival of schools based on the leadership styles they adopt. Thus, this study examined the relationship between school toxic leadership, teachers’ engagement and trust in Lagos State senior secondary schools Education District VI. Two hypotheses (tested at 0.05 level of significance) were set to serve as guides for the study, in which correlational and descriptive research designs were adopted, its population comprised 20,243 teachers in public senior secondary schools in Lagos State Education District VI. The sample sizes were 300 teachers, and thereafter selected through purposive sampling technique. Analysis was carried out using inferential statistics of Pearsons Product-Moment Correlation Analysis, using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 24.0. Findings indicate that a negative and non-significant relationship exist between school toxic leadership and teachers’ engagement in Lagos State senior secondary schools (r = 0.282, ρ>0.05); and also a negative and non-significant relationship existed between school toxic leadership and teachers’ trust in Lagos State senior secondary schools (r = 0.616, ρ>0.05). It is concluded that toxic leadership is present in Lagos State senior secondary schools Education District VI, as evidenced in the study. The study therefore recommended that school teachers should be exposed to professional development training and opportunities particularly in leadership before placement for leadership positions, as leadership preparation and training are central to school effectiveness and improvement as this will improve teachers’ engagement in schools.
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