The Implementation of Portfolios in Higher Education in Pakistan
Portfolios, Formative Assessment, Higher EducationAbstract
Good assessment practice is a crucial feature of effective teaching and learning in the education sector. Summative and formative assessment are two types of assessment methods (Black & William, 1998). It is claimed that summative assessment is often confined to paper and pencil testing and does not measure the ongoing development of students in terms of their strengths and weaknesses; whereas, the formative assessment allows constructive feedback by a teacher and focuses on the learning development of students (Andrade & Cizek, 2010). The Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan proposes both summative and formative assessment as both forms of approaches form an integral part of education and facilitate holistic development of learning for students in the classroom (National Education Policy, 2017). Thus, the purpose of this essay is, therefore, to argue that portfolios should be used in conjunction with the one-time paper and pencil testing method.
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