Products & services, strategies, activitiesAbstract
Strategic marketing introduces to the activities undertaken by an organisation to advertise their products and services in marketplace. Strategic marketing is important part for an enterprise in development of its values. For this dissertation M&S is chosen British multinational retail organisation. Along with this, there are some objectives for preparing dissertation on topic of strategic marketing and its importance in creation of organisational value. These objectives mainly related with role of strategic marketing in creating value for Marks and Spencer, different strategic marketing approaches that are used by Marks and Spencer and barriers that can be found by Marks and Spencer while developing the strategic marketing strategies. In order to achieve these objectives different steps have been used by researcher such as development of aims and objectives, literature review, research methodology, data analysis and interpretation, conclusion and recommendation. Along with this, section of literature review has been done with the help of author's point of view. Research methodology is another section which have been completed with the assist of different methods including research philosophy, research approach, data collection methods, data analyse methods etc. All these are useful methods which will support an investigator by giving actual data about the study. Data analysis have been done with the use of thematic analyse. Finally, conclusion and recommendation chapter have been done for achieving aims and objectives of research in systematic manner.
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