Female Entrepreneurship In Balochistan: Linking Motivation, Empowerment, And Family Well-Being
Female Entrepreneurship, Motivational Factors, Female Empowerment, Entrepreneurial Intentions to Stay in Business, Family Well-BeingAbstract
Females are half of the world's population but their participation in the workforce is much lower than their male counterparts. Women are considered homemakers, doing household chores, and nurturing children. The study analyses the key factors that motivate females to enter the field of enterprise, otherwise being the breadwinners, is considered the field of men.
A quantitative study was conducted to investigate the impact of female entrepreneurship on family well-being. The model contains two independent variables: motivation to start a business and intentions to stay in business, one mediator: female empowerment, and the dependent variable: family well-being. Family enrichment theory and the theory of planned behavior were used to build the study. The data was analyzed using software, IBM-SPSS-26 and the Smart PLS-SEM model.
The data was collected, using adapted questionnaires, from a sample of 350 female entrepreneurs. Results of the study reveal a significant impact of independent variables; female entrepreneurship; motivation to start a business and entrepreneurial intentions to stay in the enterprise on female empowerment and family well-being. The study identifies the socio-cultural factors as important factors in defining the relationship between the variables.
It was suggested that small home-based enterprises and training centers should be established. By providing small financial loans; a big socio-economic change can be brought into the lives of tribal female entrepreneurs in Balochistan. The study culminates with a discussion of findings, suggestions, and recommendations for conducting future studies.
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