Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Passion in the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Behavior and Entrepreneurial Success Among Emerging Entrepreneurs in Pakistan
Entrepreneurial Behavior, Entrepreneurial Success, Entrepreneurial Passion, Bird’s theory.Abstract
The entrepreneurial success of emerging entrepreneurs in Pakistan depends on their entrepreneurial behavior. This study examines how entrepreneurial passion positively and significantly impacts the relationship between entrepreneurial success and entrepreneurial behavior, as described by Bird's theory. Primary data were collected from emerging entrepreneurs in Pakistan using a cross-sectional research design, and the study is both quantitative and empirical. Out of the 400 questionnaires distributed, 350 were returned, with 330 completed by the participants. The findings indicate that entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial behavior significantly influence entrepreneurial success. Additionally, entrepreneurial passion positively and significantly moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial success and entrepreneurial behavior. This research has the potential to establish benchmarks for emerging entrepreneurs in Pakistan, enabling them to achieve success by incorporating entrepreneurial behavior and passion into their practices.
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