Quality of Teaching-Learning and School Environment: Supporting Reform Initiatives in Schools
Initiatives, school reforms, stakeholders, education policy, contradictions, gaps, lived experiences.Abstract
The study's objectives were to examine reform initiatives that focused on The Punjab Schools Reform Roadmap (PSRR) and the current status of education, as well as to identify any gaps in the execution of reform initiatives based on the practical experiences of school stakeholders. The Fullan model of organizational transformation served as the theoretical foundation for this study's conceptualization of the phenomenon. The researchers set out to find out how the perceptions of school stakeholders contributed to their comprehension of the situations and provided context for their experiences. This investigation was carried out in the public school system. Constructivism served as the philosophical paradigm in this phenomenological study that used a qualitative study design. Purposive sampling was used to select key informants for data collection. In-depth, face-to-face semi-structured interviews were employed to investigate the phenomenon. After collecting the data, the researchers conducted a thematic analysis. By making connections, this thematic coding method informed the researchers about new information or ideas (Richards & Morse, 2012). The emergent themes were the quality of the teaching-learning process, teachers’ capacity building and motivation, and school environment and culture. It was concluded that school reform initiatives can not be supported unless there is a better quality of teaching-learning, high motivation among school students and teachers along with necessary arrangements, plans, and implementation of teachers' capacity-building programs and a conducive school environment and culture. This study will address the gap in the literature by investigating the practices being undertaken to achieve the targets given to stakeholders.
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