Integrating Intelligent Tutoring System With Learning Styles Of Online Learners In Pakistan
Intelligent Tutoring System, Learning Styles, Online Learners.Abstract
The purpose of the study is to investigate the perceptions and preferences of learners who have used adaptive e–learning system. Trial was conducted on computer science and artificial intelligence students at undergraduate level. They were allowed to study on ILMS. Their learning styles were identified through Index of Learning Style questionnaire and automatically categorized into their unique learning style. They were provided with the learning material suited to their learning style, the format of learning material was on text, audio and video aids and hands on activities. Study was conducted on 150 students who had been part of experiment conducted on ILMS. Simple Random sampling technique was implemented. For this study self-developed questionnaire was used. Data was analyzed by using quantitative descriptive methods such as mode, variance, average. The survey result shows that all the participants are willing to use the adaptive Intelligent Learning Management System in their daily studies. The learning effort and time spent on learning the courses were less as compared to traditional Learning Management System they were using in their studies after the onset of Corona virus. The study recommended that more adaptive and navigational techniques should be integrated on LMS. The originality of this study that LMS should be utilized and features of artificial intelligence should be utilized to make LMS more adaptive like students’ previous knowledge, behavior of students during course, expectations, etc.
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