Digital Transformation in Education: Readiness of Prospective Teachers in Karachi
The emergence of digital tools and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly changed the role of the teacher in the classroom. In this age of digital transformation, using digital tools in the classroom is becoming more and more important. This study looks into how prepared aspiring educators are to use technology in the classroom. The purpose of the study was to determine if age factor and teaching experience were associated with any differences. The results show that readiness for technology integration is not significantly impacted by age. Compared to the older group, which had an average mean value of 4.10, the younger group of pre-service teachers, who were between the ages of 20 and 22, had an average mean value of 4.3. In comparison to the younger group, the older group received lower overall scores. This research offers significant perspectives on the obstacles and possibilities associated with integrating technology in the classroom.
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