Relationship between Environment and Organizational Structure: An Analytical Case Study of Allied Schools
Task EnvironmentAbstract
The study is an evaluation of relationship in between organization’s task environment and its structure. The task environment tends to affect organizational structure and business strategies in multiple ways, however, the relationship is not constant and the magnitude may differ from case to case. To understand the dynamics of relationship, Mintzberg Model has been applied. This is qualitative research based on case study approach that provides a comprehensive analysis of Organizational Structure of Allied Schools in relationship to its task environment. All dimensions of environment, decision- making roles, key parts, coordinating mechanism, power and authorities, have been thoroughly discussed in context of Allied Schools. For data collection, only executives of higher echelon were engaged in discussions. The hypothesis testing provides mix trend in estimates of (Mis) Fit in between environment and structure of Allied Schools. The findings of the case study predict that decision making regarding Organizations Structure is not entirely dependent on its environment. There are other factors that make difference and it requires further probe and investigation.
Key words: Organizational Structure, Task Environment, Coordinating mechanisms.
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