Prediction of the effects of social capital on job performance through social media in Balochistan, Pakistan
At present, job performance (JP) has become a significant issue of organizational success. The present paper examines the effects of social capital [bridging social capital (BGSC) and bonding social capital (BDSC)] on job satisfaction (JS) and job performance through social media in Balochistan, Pakistan. The study used a quantitative approach by collecting cross-sectional data through a questionnaire. The researcher adopted convenience. The respondents of the study are individuals using social media in their workplaces. Finally, the study utilizes study 406 valid samples. By employing equation modeling (SEM), the path analysis, the results demonstrate a positive and significant effect of BGSC and BDSC on JS and JP. Finally, JS and JP are positively and significantly associated. The present study's findings further guide individuals to understand the role of social media in the workplace, specifically in performance enhancement. In light of the results, the policymakers would further concentrate on the benefits of social media in organizations by improving several activities, such as meetings must be organized, appointments must be scheduled, documents must be sent, and coworkers must communicate about work events.
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