Conceptual Misunderstandings in Teaching and Learning of Arithmetic at Primary Level in Public Girls Schools in Quetta
Conceptual Misunderstandings, Arithmetic, Primary Level, QuettaAbstract
This study aimed at exploring the common conceptual misunderstanding that generally teachers and students make during teaching of arithmetic and common difficulties in mathematical understanding at primary level in public girls school in Quetta city. A qualitative exploratory approach was used for which four girls schools were selected. The data was collected through observations and semi-structured interviews. For interviews, through purposive sampling, five teachers and five experts were interviewed. It was found that students were having various conceptual misunderstandings in arithmetic and teachers’ incompetence played a vital role in it. Students lack of interest towards mathematics, teacher own conceptual misunderstandings, traditional teaching strategies, teacher centered classrooms and lack of required physical resources were the reasons behind difficulties in mathematical understanding.
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