Relationship Between Teacher Leadership and Capacity Building of Teachers in Public Universities of Balochistan
Teacher Leadership; Capacity Building; Public Universities; BalochistanAbstract
Teacher leadership plays a vital role in teachers’ capacity building. However, little empirical research has been done in Pakistan in this area. This study investigated the relationship between teacher leadership and capacity building of public university teachers from Balochistan, Pakistan. For Teacher Leadership, this study was based on Angelle and DeHart's (2010) four-factor model including, 1) Sharing Leadership, 2) Sharing Expertise, 3) Supra-Practitioner, and 4) Principal Selection as its sub-factors. For this study, correlation research design was adopted. A total of 320 teachers from 8 public universities were selected through simple random sampling as a sample. Teacher Leadership Inventory (TLI) of Angelle and DeHart (2010) was adopted with permission while the items of Capacity Building were developed from review of literature. The results indicate that the there is a strong and positive relationship between teacher leadership and capacity building. In terms of four factors of the teacher leadership and capacity building, the correlation between sharing leadership and capacity building was strong and positive. the correlation between sharing expertise and supra- practitioner with capacity building was moderate positive while the relationship between principal selection and capacity building was weak and positive with value.
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