Relationship between Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Confidence in University Students
Parental Acceptance-Rejection, Confidence, Correlational method, Independent T-TestAbstract
The study was conducted to explore the relationship between parental acceptance-rejection and confidence in university level students. The sample included 245 students, selected by purposive sampling technique. The questionnaires used were parental acceptance-rejection scale (Rohner, 1991) and confidence scale (Finch, 2004). The study showed that there is significant relationship between parental acceptance-rejection and the confidence in the university student of Quetta, Pakistan. In addition, it was revealed through results that males scored higher in parental acceptance-rejection in relation to their confidence while women scored lower. Other results indicated that there is a gender difference in responses to the confidence scale where the females showed higher level of confidence than males. Collectively, it is proved that there is relationship between parental acceptance-rejection and confidence in university students.
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