Impact of instructional leadership on teachers’ job performance in secondary schools in district Quetta
The study centered on impact of instructional leadership on teachers’ job performance in district Quetta. Objective of the study was to find out the relationship between instructional leadership and secondary school teachers’ job performance as perceived by teachers. The research design of the study is correlational. Data was collected through questionnaire, which was distributed among 186 participants that includes 12 principals and 174 high school teachers. 12 govt girls’ high schools were included for data collection. Data was analyzed using SPSS software. It was found out that instructional leadership style with teachers’ job performance is significant at the 0.01 level. The value of “r” between instructional leadership style and teachers’ job performance is .507, which indicates a significant moderate correlation is found between instructional leadership style and teachers’ job performance as perceived by teachers.
Key words: instructional leadership style, teacher’s job performance.
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