Study of Principals and Vice Principals in the Context of Job Satisfaction Level at Public Sector Colleges of Lahore
The general purpose of the study is to explore job satisfaction level of principals and vice principals at public sector colleges of Lahore. The nature of the study is descriptive in nature. Cross-sectional survey research design is applied fir this study. Sample of the study includes 40 principals of public sector colleges of Lahore. To measure the job satisfaction level among college principals a questionnaire is used to collect the mandatory information. The questionnaire is comprised of the items related to the job satisfaction level of principals of public sector colleges of Lahore. The data produced by the instrument is tabulated and analyzed through the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS). According to the research questions, descriptive statistical techniques are applied and simple frequencies are calculated. The results of this study are showed that most of the principals and vice principals of public sector colleges are satisfied with their nature of job.
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