Assessment Practices at PhD Level: A Phenomenological Study of the PhD Scholars’ Experiences
Classroom assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment, PhD scholarsAbstract
The primary aim of this research was to investigate the experiences of PhD scholars regarding classroom assessment practices. The study adopted a qualitative approach, utilizing a phenomenological research design. The study focused on the population of scholars enrolled in PhD Education at a reputable public university in Pakistan. A sample of six PhD scholars was selected using a purposive sampling technique. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore into the assessment experiences of these scholars. Data analysis was carried out through thematic analysis manually, resulting in the identification of major themes and sub-themes. The findings highlighted the use of a variety of assessment methods, including both alternative and traditional approaches, by different teachers. Notably, PhD scholars exhibited a preference for formative assessment methods over summative assessment. Based on these results, it is recommended that a combination of various assessment methods be employed at the PhD level. Additionally, organizing training workshops for teachers to enhance their assessment practices is also recommended.
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