Analysis of the National Curriculum 2006 in the Light of Learner Centered Ideology
National Curriculum, Balochistan, analysis, learner centered ideology, content-analysis.Abstract
Education is a provincial matter after the 18th amendment in Pakistan. Enjoying these powers, every province including Balochistan has developed its Education sector Plan to fulfill their contextual needs. Now-a-days Balochistan is preparing its second education sector plan (2020-2025) after the analysis of Balochistan education sector Plan (2013-2018). Significant to mention that Balochistan has also adopted standards-based curriculum which is a reflection of National Curriculum 2006. Current paper is an attempt to analyze the National Curriculum of English Language 2006 of Pakistan to make it learner centered since learner is the sole beneficiary of all the educational activities. Content analysis methodology has been employed to serve the purpose of the study. Moreover, the National Curriculum has been analyzed from seven standpoints. These are aim of the Curriculum, Knowledge, teacher, teaching, learner, learning, assessment, assessor and assesee. Findings reveal that National Curriculum 2006 is a blend of two ideologies i.e. Social efficiency and learner centered and recommendation are given with implications to make it fully learner centered. 21st century requires Balochistan to draw out inherent capabilities of learner, fulfilling individual needs and interests and providing learners a natural environment to grow through education so that our society may have experts of all field to serve.
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