Determinants of Educational Wastages Amongst Public Secondary Schools Students in Lagos State, Nigeria
Evaluation, Quality teaching, Universities in Lagos StateAbstract
This study examined difference in quality teaching in universities in Lagos State, Nigeria. One null hypothesis guided this study with the adoption of descriptive survey research design. The population of this study comprised of all 400 students from the seven universities (public and private) in Lagos State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique (simple random, purposive and disproportionate stratified sampling technique) was used in selecting one federal, one state, and one private university among the five private universities in Lagos State, while 640 respondents were selected from the three sample universities for the study. Data were collected through Questionnaire on Quality Teaching (QTQ). The instrument was validated through face and content validity and was found reliable through test-re technique at 0.78 coefficients. The data collected were analysed using Analysis of Variance. The hypotheses formulated were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The tested hypothesis showed that there is a significant difference in quality teaching ,(F (2, 584) = 5.0828, p<.05) amongst universities in Lagos State, This study found out that there is a difference in quality teaching amongst federal, state and private universities in Lagos State. This study concluded that quality teaching can be predicted and achieved if the holistic indices of quality teaching as depicted in the research instrument can be adopted in evaluating quality teachings in the universities. This study, therefore, recommended among others that university managements, National Universities Commission, Federal and State Ministry of Education should establish a quality teaching unit/department in every university with the aim of achieving quality teaching with necessary functionalities.
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