Digitalization of Education in Nigerian Secondary Schools: Benefits & Challenges
Digitalisation of education is a concept adopted to ensure the innovative incorporation of modern technology and digital tools to assist the progress of teaching and learning, and to create more rooms for remote learning. In attempt to unveil its benefits and challenges, this paper examined the digitalisation of education in Nigerian secondary schools. In this paper, the concepts of education and secondary education as embedded, digitalisation and digitalisation of education were examined. Looking at the empowerment brought by digital education system through its benefits and/or advantages, the paper x-rayed the importance and challenges facing digitalisation of education in Nigerian secondary schools which could hindered Nigerian students to be more innovative globally. This paper made recommendations among which are that, schools should implement blended and remote learning to allow students learn both online and offline on their own, and teachers, parents and school Guidance and counselors should be more vigilant in monitoring the students when they have access to computers or internet to avoid going to pornographic sites or other sites that may be harmful to their learning. Government should also collaborate with internet, digital, and telecommunications service providers to ensure that ICT infrastructure, such as internet broad bands and network devices, is available and in good working order to support the digitalisation of teaching and learning at all levels and not only at secondary school level.
Key words: Digitalisation, Digitalisation of Education, Nigerian Secondary Schools
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