Army Burn Hall Institutions - A Study Of Managerial And Pedagogical Practices
Effective teaching is a skill that can make or shake a pupil both in personality as well as academically. The display of effective and usefull teaching includes those skills, capabilities and abilities that eventually lead to an enabling, inclusive, welcoming and conducive environment for learners. When identifying the notion of innovative managerial and pedagogical practices, it is critical to grasp what it means; it refers to attempts to initiate reform within the classroom as well as the optimum use and inclusion of technical resources that have sparked the development of the modern time information society. Audio-visual technology, computers, and other communication tools have steadily found their place within the walls of educational institutions and hence expediting the process of bringing innovative changes in pedagogical practice, keeping pace with the advancements of the age. The study attempted to analyze the current managerial and pedagogical practices of Army Burn Hall Institutions. The study also focuses on the managerial practices in the light of four educational leadership theories i.e., facilitative leadership, transformational leadership, instructional leadership and administrative leadership theories.