The Impact of Principals’ Administrative Leadership Abilities to Enhance Quality Education in Province of Sindh
Quality Education, administration, leadership abilities, Sindh province.Abstract
The main objective for this research was to assess the impact of principals’ administrative leadership abilities to enhance quality education in colleges of Sindh province. Quantitative research method was used in this study. Questionnaire was designed and distributed to the principals. Total size of the sample was 300. 150 were from each sector public and private. Out of that 220 were male and 80 were female college principals. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. To describe the statistics, frequencies and percentages are presented in tabular form. For statistical and group involvement, the t-test was used. For item-by-item analyses of categorical data in the questionnaire, the researcher utilized the chi-test.. The findings of the study revealed that leadership has played a key role in the effective implementation of any organization and directly affects the performance and growth of staff. Overall, the principals of the public and private sectors do not show any differences in opinion, but when other administrative aspects were analyzed individually, there was a difference of opinion. In the case of college management staff management, here was the difference of opinion received based on gender and institution.
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