Teachers’ Perceptions about Young Learners Reediness for Next Grade: A Scenario of Early Childhood Education in Pakistan
Basic mathematical concept, Creative arts. ECE, Health and Hygiene, Language and literacy development, Personal and social developmentAbstract
This research aims to explore the perceptions of preschool teachers about their young learners’ readiness for elementary level. The study was quantitative in nature. A self-developed questionnaire was used. 278 teachers were selected by applying proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data were analyzed by applying Descriptive and inferential statistics .It was revealed by the results that there was consistency among ECE teachers’ perceptions about preschoolers’ readiness. Teachers had knowledge regarding main focus of pre-school education, to prepare children for elementary education level. Preschoolers’ readiness is a progression which supports them to progress in a variety of learning areas and become all-rounders. This development focuses on physical, personal-social and emotional development, language and literacy development, Basic mathematical concept, health and hygiene, creative art and understanding the world. This empirical study providing the data that conducive learning environment can accelerate early years learning to enhance children accomplishments in life.
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