Reading Difficulties in Urdu Reading: A Case Study of Baloch Students
Reading Difficulties, Case study, Baloch student, Urdu LanguageAbstract
Reading is an important element for understanding the concepts hidden in the words. If students can’t read the sentences in an effective way they cannot be able to understand the information and even they cannot write their thoughts in the required language. At primary level most of the information is provided in Urdu language. The students for which Urdu language is second language, they may feel difficulty in reading. This study was conducted to identify the reading difficulties faced by Baloch in reading Urdu, and the reasons behind these difficulties. Twenty primary public schools were selected through simple random sampling procedure, out of these schools all Blaoch students from 4th & 5th grades were selected through purposive sampling procedure, 240 students were selected through systematic random sampling procedure. The document analysis and structured Questionnaire was used for data collection. Major findings were that the Makrani Baloch were facing more difficulties in reading Urdu and Rakhshani were facing fewer difficulties. The reasons were the different pronunciation of the Balochi letters from Urdu. It is recommended that management of education should take measures by appointing Baloch tecahers with excellent Urdu skill, and provide them the course planners/guidelines in Balochi language. Training for teachers, focused on communication techniques of second language.
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