Role theory and Foreign Policy Analysis: A Case study of Pakistan in post 9/11 era
The attacks on the soil of United States on September 11, 2001 were a turning point in US history. Once again, America commitment diverted to its national security, and the impact of these event on global scale was even more profound. The Us response to these attacks was spontaneous which culminated in US-led Global War on Terror. The United States declared that these attacks were carried out by Al-Qaeda, an international terrorist organization, who are now hosted by Taliban in Afghanistan. The international community at large accepted the US stance and joined the global war against these terrorists, their supports, and even against their sympathizers. The neighboring states of Afghanistan was offered a choice to join the either side of US and allies or these terrorists. Pakistan was no different in such offer either to choose as a front ally state in this GWT or face the consequences. Historically, Pakistan and Afghanistan relation were always in the state of turmoil due to the issue of Durand Line and the Pakistani State extended support to the anti-Afghan government forces especially religiously motivated one. After the rise of Taliban in 1996, Pakistan extended support to the group to pursue the policy of strategic depth and allegedly continue cooperation with Taliban after 9/11, despite of being a front ally state in the US-led imitative against global terrorism. However, on domestic front, Pakistan condemned these attacks and at the same time confirmed to join US-led alliance against this Global War on Terror. This study will explore the role played by Pakistan as Anti-Terrorism Agent in the backdrop of post 9/11 era especially at the time of General Pervaiz Musharraf who adopted such role for Pakistan to combat terrorism at domestic and International front. Consequently, how far such role was achieved and what was the implications of it in the war on terror will be the focus of this study.
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