Resistance, resisting and resisters: the case of a social marketing partnership in Balochistan
Resistance; partnership; trust; power; social marketingAbstract
This paper contributes a new perspective on resistance from a case study of the partnership between a regional health department in Pakistan and international agencies focused on nutrition. This study develops theory from the literature of partnership formation in social marketing. Currently it predicts such characteristics as joint planning and decision-making and mutual trust, which should lead the partnership towards transparency and responsibility. However, managers within the case study partnership exhibit quiescent, covert resistance. For within the narratives they express their subjectivity: limitations are set through isolated planning, one-party decision-making and limited knowledge. Based on theoretical and empirical analysis the researcher have conceptualised managerial resistance as misbehaviours such as mistrust, irresponsibility and dishonesty that surface after exclusion from the discourse of the dominant. This study conclude that recognizing interdependency among the partners will lead towards trust where they can see resistance as an enthusiasm to be included in the process of planning and decision rather than a barrier contributing to failure of the partnership.
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