Effect of Teaching Styles of Teachers on Academic Achievement of Students Learning in General Science Subject at Elementary level in District Astore
Teaching styles, Facilitator, delegator, expert, formal authority, personal modelAbstract
The major object of the study was to investigate the effect of teaching styles of teachers on academic achievement of students learning in a General Science subject at the elementary level. The population of this study contained the 52 elementary school teachers who were taught General Science the subject in 8th class and 818 students enrolled in different schools on session 2018-2019 in district Astore. For the selection of a sample (277) from population simple random sampling technique was applied particularly on student’s selection. Casual comparative the research design was adopted as it is defined by variables nature itself. Inferential and descriptive statistics applied to measure the teaching styles and the academic achievement. Grasha’s Teaching Style questionnaire adopted in order to measure the teaching styles of teachers. The results of Tukey test reveled that there was a highly significant difference found among the expert, facilitator and delegator teaching styles with academic achievement on students learning on Science subjects that is (P=0.00) P<0.005. It means students get the highest marks if the teachers are employed the facilitators and delegators teaching styles and get low marks when teachers employed expert and formal authority on the General Science the subject in 8th grade. Hence it is suggested that elementary school teachers may use a facilitator and delegators types of teaching styles during the teaching of General Science content in class 8th for achieving more academic success.
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