Background Factors and Private Tutoring in Quetta City
Private Tutoring, Background Factors, Government School, Quetta.Abstract
Policy makers have always recognized the importance of good education for social and economic development in Pakistan, Asia and on the global scale. Private tutoring can help slow learners to keep up with their peers, and can help them as high achievers who can reach new levels of successes. Present study has overviewed the relationship between background factors and private tutoring in selected government schools in Quetta city. The data was collected through a questionnaire where 100 respondents were randomly selected from two government boys schools and 100 respondents from two government girls schools (a total of 200). The results have shown that different background factors show high frequencies for private tutoring. For example, the frequencies of female students attending private tutoring are almost same to male, students from urban background show more frequencies than rural, and among the languages, students with Pashto language show higher frequencies than other local languages.
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