A Comparative Analysis of Retroflexion in Romani and Lasi
Phonological Processes, Lasi, Romani, Optimality TheoryAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to bring forward the phonological processes taking place in Romani compared to Lasi. Both languages are related to Indo Aryan Branch of Indo-European Family. Phonological process is a vast term having sub processes into it, out of which only retroflexion in Romani as compared to Lasi, is descriptively analysed through Optimality Theory. Feature geometry is also used to explain the features involved and certain changes into features which bring forward this phonological process. This study focuses on phonological changes occurring in Romani compared to Lasi dialect of Sindhi. Moreover, this study reveals that Romani language does not accept the phonological rules of Lasi. The analysis of the data shows that pattern of the recipient language in the retroflexion process, Romani speakers do not speak retroflex sounds; it seems that either Roma people loss retroflexion or they do not have in their phonetic inventory, so they replace retroflex nasal /ղ/ with alveolar nasal /n/. The Basic aim of this study is to find out the reasons behind the phonological changes in Romani as compared to Lasi.
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