Effectiveness of Associate Degree in Education (ADE) Program Offered by Teachers Training Institutions in Khyber PakhtunKhwa. A Mixed Methods Approach
Teacher Education (TE) Programs provide opportunities to prospective teachers to received professional skills to become good teachers. Teacher Education Programs based on the national policy, therefore it is careful designed and reshaped in 2009. So, Associate Degree in Education (ADE) program was introduced across country to uplift the standard of teachers with general, pedagogical knowledge skills and disposition as required by National Professional Standards for Teacher in Pakistan (NPSTP). The main purpose of the study was exploring the views of stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of ADE program. Mixed Methods Research (MMR) was used in the study. A sample of 609 individuals (14 Principals, 87 instructors, 189 prospective teachers and 319 alumni students) was selected through multistage sampling technique whereas twenty (20) participants were selected for qualitative phase through purpose sampling method. Three research instruments was used i:e Questionnaire, Checklist and semi-structure interview. Quantitative data instruments were validated through index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) and reliability was estimated through Cronbach’s Alpha. One sample t-test and ANOVA was used to assess the stakeholder views regarding effectiveness of A.D.E program while thematic analysis was used to assess the qualitative data. The findings of the study indicate that A.D.E program is effective as perceived by the stakeholders. Qualitative results explored that A.D.E is a successful program to produce competent teachers who professional equipped with different skills such as communication, innovative teaching approach and assessment skills.
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