Problems In Learning English Language In Rural Areas Of Sindh, Pakistan
: English Language Learning (ELL), Public Secondary Schools, Environmental Aspects, Rural AreasAbstract
Various difficulties and hindrances are faced by Pakistani students in English language learning (ELL). The aim of current research work is to find out different aspects that affect English language learning in Pakistan. The targeted population of the current study were public schools of Tehsil Matli Sindh and sample of 60 students has been chosen from grade 10th including both girls and boys their age was among 12 to 18 years old. The data has been collected through a survey using a questionnaire about environment aspects that affect the English language learning. After that data has been analyzed through statistical process by using tables and graphs to figure out difficulties. This current research work and its findings supports teachers of English language, designers of curriculum, as well as educationalists to engulf different difficulties that creates continuous causes of risk to the rural areas students.
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