The relationship between Higher Education, Women Earning and Socio- Economic Status, Quetta- Pakistan
This study examines the relation of higher education with women income and other socio-economic status. Both cross country comparison and empirical evidence suggest that there is robust relationship between higher rate of education and income. It is a generally acknowledged fact that universal higher education is vital for a country’s development on the part of its overall contribution to the increase of level of income, generating employment opportunities, poverty alleviation and more importantly for the improvement of social wellbeing. The main objective of this paper is to discover the significant of higher education and experience on the women income with filling the gap in knowledge by attempting to explore more multidimensional lasting impacts of higher education on their socio-economic status. .The positivist research approach was used to conduct research by initially identifying a research problem, constructing appropriates research questions and hypothesis and by applying suitable research methodology. Therefore, a sample data was collected about the qualification level, income level, and experience level. A sample of one hundred and fifty teachers/lecturers/professors were selected from only Government sector schools, colleges and universities in Quetta City using simple random sample technique. The non- parametric tests (Chi- Squared Tests) were used to show the relationship between income, women’s socio-economic status and higher education. Our result findings demonstrate that with every increase in the education level there is a substantial increase in the monthly income of the women. Most of the chi-square results are highly significant. Our analysis shows that higher education has significantly boosted socio-economic of women in Pakistan but allows us to conclude that the higher rate of education directly involve in increasing the level of women income and therefore indirectly to alleviate poverty through equal and uniform distribution of the education that could contribute significantly to poverty reduction and leads to women empowerment ultimately responsible for desirable and sustainable socio-economic development. Finally, we examine several factors commonly that higher level education thought to proportionally benefit the women in the society such as improvement in social status, decision making and contribution to the economy.
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